
Implementation Patterns

The following implementation patterns have been found to work well in practice. They are not, however, the only way in which these functionalities can be built, as WCAG-compliant web service design and implementation can follow a multitude of approaches, none necessarily more correct than the other.

All linked files are PDF documents and will open in a new tab.

Tablist patternTablist Pattern.pdf
Linkbox patternLinkbox Pattern.pdf
Navigation menusNavigation Menus.pdf
Modal accessibilityModal Pattern.pdf
Slider/Carousel patternSlider-Carousel Pattern.pdf
Single Page ApplicationsSingle Page Applications.pdf

Other materials

Developers' FAQFAQ.txt
Keyboard testing bookmarkletCode and instructions Zip file

Helsinki Accessibility Model

The model is being developed by the City of Helsinki. Currently, most of the content is available only in Finnish.

Helsinki Accessibility Model (external web site)